the end of MARCH
EOM... do you know the meaning of this word???? it is End Of Month....
the popular word for my dept.... by the eom, cannot scold any body coz in that day everyone are stress.. bad temper.. target.. target.. better sit down n shut you mouth... erm tak pasal-pasal ada je kena marah... hahaha..
but at the end of March, don't know why??? ramai yg last day on that day... ek diorang ni planning nak buat MASSIVE resign program ker??? naper tak ajak aku join skali... hampeh ah...
gang-gang havoc masa balik rumah IAITU pukul 8 pm hari-hari tau... dah kurang satu... huhuhu SOON YEE.. u leave me alone... (tak lah alone sgt.. hahha) but erm terasa jugaklah.... nak further study katanya... yelah orang nak study jgan dihalang........
yang best yer, masa soon yee last day, unit dia wat farewell party... n malamnya gi KARAOKE without the BOSSESS hahahha... oooo planning senyap-senyap.. siap tulis atas kertas... ek korang hapuskan semua bukti sahih ker??? tapi yg pastinya aku dapat tahu jugak.... n aku bagitau yann... tapi jgn risau aku tak bagitau orang lain... hehehehe....
Yann kata " erm, best yer farewell party orang lain... erm kalau kita yg nak farewell.. you better be ready that you will living in HELLLLLL within the 2 months ( " yelah notice 2 bulan maaaa" ) .... somebody ("erm aku tak bagitau sape ok??") will make ur life miserable and you wish that you'll never born... ("hahhaha punyalah teruk... ni lagi teruk dari HITLER nye pemerintahan tau")...
ini bukan ngomong kosong tau.. this is THE LIFE that i'm going through... tough or not... akak jugak yg kena pikul...
dah NASIB BADANNNNN dekkk............. SEDIH.... hukhukhuk
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