I never been planned before to go for a cruise at Putrajaya. Nak dijadikan crite, pergilah berjalan-jalan ke Shah Alam SACC, katanya nak tengok pameran rumah by PKNS tapi tersalah masuk bangunan. akak masuk SACC yang Siti Nurhaliza wat konsert tu. Grand giler, takut nak masuk nyah, gigilll. Sepatutnya nak tengok pameran rumah kenalah masuk SACC mall. hadoi... gapo letak nama yang lebih kureng je ni? konpius I..
berbalik kepada criter kita, rupa2nya ada Matta fair dlm SACC tu. Akak memanglah tak pernah pergi Matta fair, inikan nak book tiket gi melancong, Bukan ape, risau.. my future memang unpredictable.. dengan kerja and macam2 lagilah... but surprisingly, we endup beli tiket jugak... wow ape tuh? nilah benda ni.. Tiket menaiki Cruise Tasik Purajaya. Khellassssss........
The best part Tiket ni berharga RM30 hengget tapi sebab beli kat Matta fair dapat RM15 hengget jek... best kan? kan? kan? (tenin mesti suka ni...hehe). Tapi itu adalah crite mase awal bulan Jan11 dulu... setelah bulan April2011, barulah akak tersedar expired ticket tu 15April2011. then nak tak nak kena luangkan masa ke Putrajaya on 10 APril 2011...
hambik ko... akak pergilah Putrajaya dengan muka and outfit yang macam tak sudah... Kerja nyah, hari Ahad tu.. ni muka stress ni haha.. Gagah jugak nak pergi Putrajaya.. Yelah takut membazir. Akak dapat naik bot pukul 630pm, wahhhh totally a good time to cruise. Matahari petang yang nak turun then angin lagi... Romantik gitu, ingatkan nak wat macam Titanic tapi ramai giler org kat depan boat tu.. segannnn..... hahaha Alhamduliilah, cuaca macam nak hujan masa tu but tetiba segan-segan je nak turun air. Tima kasih lah...
Tapi sebenarnya, kawasan sekitar Putrajaya ni pon memang cantik. Building memang lain dari yang lain. I just spotted satu kawasan kat seksyen 2 depan bangunan-bangunan kerajaan ade macam ruang jalan kaki yang besar. Dulu diorang buat Rat Race kot kat situ but that place also suitable for Catwalk Runway. Buatlah Kuala Lumpur Fashion Show Week kat situ berlatarkan bangunan-bangunan kerajaan yang jelita dan begitu unik tuh.. Khellasss kan idea akak....
~ Kunun-kunun pemandu pelancong lah tuh.. bagi can, bagi can... ~
Selain nak tunggu untuk Cruise ni, banyak jugak aktiviti riadah kat kawasan ni.. ade naik basikal, amik gambar dengan ular, burung kakak tua and makan-makan.. eh makan tu riadah jugak.. Yelah untuk melakukan proses peristalsis, pergerakan makanan dari tekak ke perut - riadah tu.... haha Nandos ade kat ctu jugak.. bagus kan?
~ paling suka gambar jambatan ni, Cantikkk ~
sememangnya best naik cruise ni, kalau diijinkan Insyallah akak akan bawak my parent jejalan kat sini naik cruise yang siap ade dinner tu.. Khellassss ... layan gitu.. peace out
his season is the best.. Talented and great.. paling suka Haley Reinhart bcoz dia buat rambut lipan. hehe.. Lagu paling suka is : Bennie & The Jets I'm not living in Elton John era to find this song is soooo simple yet sooo shoulder moving. 1st time heard this song when watching movie 27 Dresses and now, when Haley sing it.. WOWWWWW... best giler... Everyday chanting B-B-B- Bennie and the Jets..... And be Haley fans since then... afterall she sing and growling effortless. so talented....
the 2nd person I like is Casey. but he's out already.. damnnnn... A very talented person. know all the music instrument. dari Gitar kapuk sampai ke bapak gitar pon tahu. Somemore, buat gitar2 tu macam mainan budak budak je... Love duet between Haley and Casey. So soulfull and catchy.. There is something going on with this 2. haha but they looks good together, for sure. All the best for Casey.. mesti boleh cari makan punya coz he's indeed so talented. Approved already.
Bennie And The Jets
Hey kids, shake it loose together
The spotlight's hitting something
That's been known to change the weather
We'll kill the fatted calf tonight
So stick around
You're gonna hear electric music
Solid walls of sound
Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet
But they're so spaced out, B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets
Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful
Oh Bennie she's really keen
She's got electric boots a mohair suit
You know I read it in a magazine
B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets
Hey kids, plug into the faithless
Maybe they're blinded
But Bennie makes them ageless
We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who's right and who's wrong
I FEEL THE EARTH MOVE I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down I feel my heart start to trembling Whenever you're around Oh, baby, when I see your face Mellow as the month of May Oh, darling, I can't stand it When you look at me that way I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down I feel my heart start to trembling Whenever you're around Oh, darling, when you're near me And you tenderly call my name I know that my emotions Are something that I just can't tame I've just got to have you, baby I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down I just lose control Down to my very soul I get hot and cold all over I feel the earth move under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down Tumbling down Tumbling down Tumbling down Tumbling down
American Idol 2011 Top 9 - Haley Reinhart (Piece Of My Heart) ~ best giler.. totally like the lipan hair
Artist(Band):Janis Joplin SONG : Piece Of My Heart
(Come on…)
Didn't I make you feel like you were the only man, well yeah, An' didn't I give you nearly everything that a woman possibly can ? Honey, you know I did! And each time I tell myself that I, well I think I've had enough, But I'm gonna show you, baby, that a woman can be tough. I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it, Take another little piece of my heart now, baby, (break it..) Break another little bit of my heart now (have a..) Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, yeah. You know you got it if it makes you feel good, Oh yes. And each time I tell myself that I, well I can't stand the pain, But when you hold me in your arms, I'll sing it once again. I'll say come on, come on, come on, come on, yeah take it! Take another little piece of my heart now, baby. (break it..) Break another little bit of my heart now, yeah, (come on…) Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, yeah. You know you got it, if it makes you feel good
love them both. America, please vote for Haley. peace out
B said that I look extra happy today. Correction, I look unusually happy but heartache insidea ("tu yang takut tuh", katanya. Mengelak dr menimbulkan sebarg perkara soda bikarbonat)..
Sedeyyyy and bosan..
Hangin and malas nak pikir benda yg tak penting.. Huhu
Saya sangat malas.. Tapi benda ini kena buat hari-hari...
Tolong... Somebody or anybody, helpppp...
Teringat peribahasa org putih "when it's going get tough, the tough get going "...
Soalannya disini ialah berbunyi "TAPI BILA? Dan BILA?".. Huhu
When it's going get tougher? What should we do? Absolutely nothing?
Aduhhhh persoalan yang xdapat di jawap.. Huhu saya mahu nangisss(nangis sudah (T_T)).. Huhu
Tired and exhausted peace is so boring..
Peace out..
The lost photo of peace? bila masa ambik ni? confuse hamba... lawak betoi.....tengok je lengan nyah, kurus gitu... hahhahahhaha ketawa all night.. ok jugak kalau berambut pendek ye.. hehe
masa itu emas and youthful is full of self liking.. kahkahkah... skang dah takde dah habit nak amik gambo cendili.. sedar diri...
hahahhaahha peace out but anti aging maintain.. jangan jeles... venue : Hotel at Genting Highland, attended Jusco Management Trainee Training.
The perfect picture of my life------and by the way, welcome to my life-------- Totally not boring but it's mental and body tiring plus a weight gaining.... pergi gym pon tak macam ni.. huhu
Al kisah tersebut lah kisah.. tetibe aku terasa kebosanan yang melampau di dalam hidup ini.. ape taknye.. keje... keje... keje.. takde benda lain ker?
Berbekalkan ijazah sarjana muda di tangan, aku telah puas berfikir and come out with this new activity iaitu (perlu ker ade ijazah?) :
Hahahahhahahh kunun-kununnya gagahlah nak memancing.. survey tempat and siap beli joran dan alat-alat memancing yang tak tahan tu... tengok cacing pon meliang-liut badan, apatah lagi nak letak kat mata kail? Nan ado? Mau tak, asik keje melompat-lompat je by the time udang galah asik main tarik-tarik tali dengan aku? jarang nyahhhh, akak main tarik tali..... haha.. siap menemubual uncle kat citu.. mane taknye, dia pandang haku sebelah mata je.. siapalah aku ni
... sedeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.............
Tapi akhirnya, berjaya jugak saya menangkap 2 ekor udang n sekor terlepas... huhuhuhu lihatlah gambar sebagai bukti.. kerana suasana agak malap, seni pencahayaan tidaklah pro sangat.. so saya hanya menampilkan lengan tangan saya yg gitu-gitu sebagai pengganti diri.. harap berpuas hati yek..
Nampak tak udang itu? bukti yang nyata... no super impose tauuuuuuu..... hihi so proud (idung sudah manchung sikit). hahaha..... nasib baik jek.... Tapi the best part masa menggoreng udang.. sedap.. lomak... hahahhah menetessss..(pinjam ayat anie)
Peace masih lagi freshie in this thing, kena banyak belajar lagi... but..... B terel giler, saya agak kagum walaupun saya asik kena marah jer.. cehhhh...
People said, "You should try this, you should try that. If you don't, you're a LOSER".I said, "Why follow things that you know is wrong. I don't need to do what people done to be someone WINNER. I will be my own WINNER or LOSER the way I want. Just have faith in yourself."
[Bruno Mars] You and I, know what it's like To be kicked down, forced to fight But tonight, we're all right So hold up your lights, let it shine, because... This ones for you and me, Living out our dreams We're all right where we should be With my arms out wide, I open my eyes and now all I wanna see Is a sky full of lighters, a sky full of lighters
Quote ~ Lighters , Bad Meets Evil ft. Bruno Mars ~