Birthday saye yg ke?

Apakah ini? Inilah benda yang saya cari-cari selama ini.. Thousand Sunny and the crew. Thank you very the much.. love it.

Akhirnya telah bertambah lagi setahun usia. huhuhu hidup ini memang penuh dengan pancaroba. Dari satu ke satu halangan tiba. Tapi rasanya, makin bertambah usia, makin banyak lagi keputusan berat yg kita kena buat. Orang lain memang tak dapat nak tolong, because berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul.

I hate making decision but if this is the factor to make you grow, nak tak nak.. kena buat jugak. Lately, memang hidup macam terawang-awang, asik pikir.. pikir.. pikir.. and pikir.. semuanya pasal masa depan yang begitu blur. But decision has been made by ME, so i have to do everything that i could possibly do to make it works. Hope everything will be going smoothly. Frankly speaking this is not my personal thing, this is about my career. huhu seriuosly takut...

But benda gembira don't come frequently, do cherish when my colleagues celebrate my birthday. I never feel so MALU when celebrate birthday but yesterday, so embarressed.... segan sangat... THANK YOU ALL. I'm not such person that received much attention, so agak segan.. hihi

and for Encik B, thanks for the gift. Eventhough i'm already 28 years old, the gifts is AMAZING..

Thank you.

peace lots of love. 

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