A Visit to Dentist
dah agak lama jugak lah aku tak pergi berjumpa dengan dentist.. lebih kurang 5 month... memang my life got very busy. dont ask.. totally stress out...
just go visit the doc this Sat and all she can say is " I think you memang suka pakai breaces sampai biler-biler n dont even bother to bukak pon the breaces, somemore u've paid all the fees".. all i can do is.. laughing embarassly.. hahaha..
dont know how to explain but during this time, i even not have a time for myself... macam-macam masalah datang.. one by one... arghh i'm totally exhausted . People ask me, why u didnt have a boyfriend, all they can say is " ko ni memilih sangat"...no i'm not.. tired of denying... erm thank god i didn't have any coz if i really find someone, i guess i've been dumped by him at this moment.. hahhha.. that sad..
thank god..
and now i'm busy to move out frm my house to my auntie house at Bangi... wallah penat giler.. i'm really not that NOMAD person... so tiring.... somemore rasa macam demam.... n my mum pressure suruh pindah cepat-cepat even i'm very-very tak larat... memang menguji jiwa raga lah hidup ni...
really hope for something to happen.. wish it's a very-very GOOD thing.. coz i'm tired of being myself, too COMPLICATED..
to good to be in peace