Arini tak terkira banyaknya aku mendengar lagu Negaraku di dendangkan… Yelah kata Hari Merdeka. Hehe
Teringat pulak masa zaman-zaman aku muda remaja dulu, berkaitan jugak dengan lagu ni.
Peristiwa ni berlaku dalam 5 tahun dulu 2003/2004, masa ni adalah zaman baru habis belajar kat Universiti yg terletak nun jauh di Selatan Tanah air.
Masa tahun tu, boleh dikatakan tak banyak tawaran pekerjaan yg boleh didapati. Ramai jugak yang still menganggur and aku, bekerja sambilan kat kedai runcit rumah kakak aku sambil-sambil tu rajin jugaklah menghantar resume ke merata-rata tempat. Teringat dulu, memang giler OT. hahaha
Then, masa tu ade panggilan dari salah satu foreign bank yg ternama jugak kat dalam Malaysia ini. I’m just freak out because really don’t know what to do and say even react. Yang penting takut… Cuak giler...
First step : I ask an approval from my boss to change my shift to night shift.. pandai-pandai nak hidop. Check!!
Second step : Tell my sister about the interview. Check!!
Third step : Remembering all the things that I’ve put in my resume.Check!!
Fourth step : the night before The Interview, my sister will show me the route to the place because I have to go there alone. Kena pandai berdikari. Check!!
Fifth step : Clothes/shoes that I’m wearing, must be presentable.. check!!
Last but not least : Confident…(honestly, I didn’t bring it, lost somewhere in the middle of taking Monorel or the second I’m wearing my heels or somewhere.. hahaha)
On the day itself, I went to the Bank Building as shown by my sister. Then, the security said that I’ve to go to the Consultant office just like the address showed not the bank itself…
Walau weh... ape lagi, menapak lah jawabnya, luckily tak jauh but peluh lah jugak… lagipon memang my mistake because I just see the Bank’s name not the Interviewer.. GOSH…
Then my name called and the interview session start.. bla bla bla and bla bla bla.. the last question is regarding our Blog Title today. Lagu Negaraku. The question sound like this :
“If you are walking down the street, any street… Suddenly, The Negaraku Song played. Will you stand still?”
I said “Of course”. They said “Really? Picture yourself in the middle of Bukit Bintang Road, and everyone just walking when the song played. Will you, alone and stand still in the middle of walking people.”
I said “I will”(but they seem didn’t buy it because of my facial seems deny it.. haha sad but true)..
As predicted, I didn’t get the job. Hehe.. Because I’m just saying what they want to hear not the RIGHT things to do. It’s the measure of Person Principle. I’m still young, there is a lot of things need to be polished. haha
But now, if you ask me the same thing, proudly I’ll said “YES”.. Once I heard the Negaraku song, I will hurried go to the side of the shop and stand still as if I’m reading the advertisement at the shop wall.. Honestly hehe
Proudly Peace.