Lost Article - Perhentian Island Challenge(PIC) 17/10/08-19/10/08

Perhentian Island Challenge aka PIC (17/10~19/10)


berjaya jugak akhirnya aku berjalan-jalan menghilangkan rasa bosan kat tempat  keja... kemana lai kalau tidak.. na na na na na GANU kiter…

sebenarnya lama doh aku nak tulis post (PIC), tapi ya ampun, tiada kesempatan… lepas balik dari PIC memang kerja menambun-nambun… ada event yg aku kena incharge… yarggggg bosannya HAMBA!!!!

Tapi mengenang kembali pergi PIC ni.. memang best giler.. ENJOY……

Starting 17 Oct 2008 ~ Thursday
Dah tentulah pagi tu kena pergi kerja… jangan cakaplah, memang kelam kabut giler.. mana nak abiskan benda yg bos aku assigned…  mana nak abiskan my daily works.. yelah nak balik awallah katakan.. mana taknya baju sume tak kemas lagi malam ni nak berangkat dah….. haha at last baliklah jugak dalam kul 7 lebih.. itupon lepas bos aku dah risau coz aku memang tak sedia langsung nak pergi PIC ni… macm tak jadi jek.. haha…

Tapi pergi lah jugak.. dahlah malam tu ujan.. bukan sikit2 but yg lebat tau… walau weh nasib baiklah kakak aku nak antar.. kalau tak we all(aku ngan ipah) memang dah cadang nak naik train jek then sampai kat klcc n we’re just walking to saloma bistro.... tapi disebabkan akak aku dah berjanji nak ambil kul 10.30pm.. haha forget the plan A, just go with the plan B instead.. hahaha thank you kak lin, i really2 appreciate it.. a LOT....

Arrived at Tourism Malaysia Center beside Saloma Bistro at 10.45pm, n tengok kat kawasan tu memang LENGANG giler... kakak aku siap pusing 2 kali kat fountain depan tourism malaysia tu... punyalah Hairan Bin Ajaib.. yelah katanya event sampai hampir 15 bus but batang idung orang yg harus dimuatkan dalam 15 bus tu memang aku tak nampak... memanglah.. rasa cam salah tempat.. but nak wat camne.. just follow ur guts... hentam sajalah labu... pergi jelah dengan hati yg berat... masuk jek, budak kat kaunter suh pergi belakang... pergi je belakang.. walau weh... ramainya umat manusia... WOWWW...

Tapi perkara pertama yg aku nampak dalam kedaan aku yg agak terpegun tu adalah... Yah tak lain dan tak bukan ialah si TAJOL... hehehehe.... wow apa lagi aku pon straight bagi mesej kat HAZRA.. hehehehe.. sorilah hazra.. hehe TINDAKAN REFLEKS... I can’t help it... sori...

Pastu nak registerlah but meja register pon aku tak nampak... memang kelam kabut giler... then kena lah pulok fill up form... oh my god... mana lah pulok aku nak cari pen.. sememangnya aku tak pernahlah nak simpan pen dalam  beg aku.... ape lagi terpaksa pinjam kat org sebelah.. hahaha...  point yg penting kat sini ialah = org yg aku pinjam pen tu memang.. not hensem but nampak MAN lah... macho kot lebih tepat coz nampak dia cam dah biasa wat activity2 camni... hehehe... (ehem..ehem..ok2 back to our thing)
Then nama kena panggil one by one ikut nombor bus.. haha i got the LUCKY no “7” bus...(yeeah... best giler duk dalam bus ni.. happening giler).. tunggu kejap then ape lagi just naik jelah bus tu... bila naik bus the bus leader ask us for the form that we’ve filled up.. hahaha aku tersalah fill up rupanya... then terpaksa fill up again!!!! Then i just ask for a pen kat bebudak perempuan malay selang 2 tempat duduk but the chinese guy yg hensem hulurkan pen...(erm at first i thought that guy is KOREAN coz muka dia bukan macam muka cina totok... memang ada commercial value.. tall, dark.. hensem but mata sepet sket.. not bad.. meletop-letops.. but he understand malay.. okey... what the hack, i just take his pen tinggalkan budak pompuan tu termanggu-manggu.. cian  diorg.. but at the end aku memang kamceng giler ngan 2 org bdk pompuan tu yg bernama kak su and kak mai... akak rupanya..aku muda rupanya haha)

Then start lah aktiviti membuta.. apa lagi..sampai kat mana ntah, ada beberapa budak from bus 9 datang. Erm katanya bus diorg rosak... oh ye ker... ok sambung tido.. kejam giler... then what shld i do.. hidang kopi to warm up their body hahaha..... lagipon masa tu pukul 2 or 3 am... argh just ignore...

18 Oct 2008 ~ Friday
Sampai kat Kuala Terengganu nearly kul 7.00 am.. terus gi breakfast n gi melawat kuala terengganu ngan polis escort the 10 bus... wah best giler... tak payah berhenti kat lampu merah... gi muzium gi tgk replika masjid (dari luar je) n the crystal mosque... erm not bad ya terengganu memang pesat membangun.. really awesome.. and the tour guide is fantastic.. memang best giler....

Then bertolak to kuala besut n about an hour and a half, we arrived there then take our lunch... then tungguuuuuu for the boat ride to PULAU PERHENTIAN... this part yg horror sket... seperti yg korang maklum.. aku ni memang pelik sket, kalau aku takut  aku KETAWA.. hahaha.. apalagi this is my first experience to ride a boat.. i just laughing in early 15 second or more (i can’t remember it.. sory...suffered from short term memory lost ).. hahaha yg aku ingat, it’s memang best giler.. (1st times memang takut, after that, dah biasa apa lagi LAYAN giler... naik malam2 lagi best.. wahhhhh bestnya!!!!! Masyukkkk....)

Arrived at Pulau Perhentian Besar then pilih khemah... jalan-jalan, makan-makan then tido.. yelah nak bersedia for the big show tomorrow... ye ha...

19 Oct 2008 ~ Saturday
Hari yg kelakar.. pagi2 dah siap but stamina jangan cakap ah memang akan pancit at the first 10 meters .. hahaha... ipah yg kelakar ikat tudung kat belakang.. memang sebijik cam orang KEMBOJA nak jual kain... hahaha.. dah bersedia nak gi Pulau Perhentian kecil dalam kul 8.30am then tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu the YB sampai kul 10.30am baru nak mulakan acara.. walau wehhh memang panas n hangat giler.. menggelegak otak rasanya... then apalagi bila acara dah start, aku pon dengan bersungguh-sungguhnya berlari-lari anak.. hamboi nyahhhh....... mak dah tak larat... mak ingat jalan mendatar jek... HALAPAK... banyak giler gunung yg perlu ku daki, dan sudah tentu banyak lurah yg perlu kuturuni.. mak memang pancit nyahhhhh....... mak mengaku... giler ker???? Kaki memang dah tak larat nak angkat... memang penaaaaattttttttttttttt........................

Kat sini sebenarnya aku kena betulkan my mindset : at first, i just thought that i just wanna hang around somewhere within that place without took part in the race... yelah just wanna relax.. but when i arrived, i’ve decided to take part in the challenge after my friend want to join it. Herm.. now here come the result.. of course my body did’t fit 100% for this challenge... all the way to the check point i keep telling myself.. i just dig my own grave for joining this challenge.. haha... memang drama queen....

Lama giler nak sampai ke checkpoint.... memang tortured giler your mind, body even soul.. after we near to the checkpoint i just thank to god, many2 times.. yelah bayangkan kalau aku pengsan dalam hutan, sapa plak yg nak tolong angkat.???.erm payah jugak nak jawab soalan tu!!.. memang mencabar giler... n before u can take your drink u have to crawl n swimming like a dugong n lompat dalam hulahoop dekat dalam laut... oh my god... memang thrill.. dengan ombak yg besar... memang best kalau pergi surfing.... but at that point of time, i just thought that that’s it, i wanna give up.....

But lepas minum air sojuk... erm tenaga pon dah ada, aku pon meneruskan kembali my journey to the finish line.... despite all the tukang hasut-Anwar yg asik ajak aku give up jek.. hampeh tul budak ni .. org lain dia tak ajak.. akak jugak... memang tertulis perkataan give up ke kat muka aku... hampeh....

Dalam pukul 2 pm aku pon sampai kat finish line... yeah.. i made it... PEACE BOLEH.... then having my lunch then naik boat balik ke khemah.. apa lagi, mandi ah laut.. the laut memang cantikkkk.... SUGOIIII...... ada banyak ikan2 cantik kat tepi laut tu coz ada batu karang... cantik giler...we all just feed the ikan.. best giler.. memang terapi minda lah.. best... then malam kena pergi PULAU PERHENTIAN BESAR again for the Closing Ceremony... wah best giler... siap ada bunga api.... BESTTTTTT.... I LOKE FIREWORKSSSS.... aku record bunga api tu dalam camera, but all i can hear loudly in that are.. lenguh tengkok.... arghhh sakit tengkuk.... memang struggle giler nak take that photos haha 15 minit sharp tau.... 

Then balik and tido.. coz memang exhausted......

20 Oct 2008 ~ Sunday
Wah dah ahad ker??? Cepatnya.. pack everything and it’s time to go home..... yeah yg thrill nya nak balik ni ialah masa nak menunggu boat. Haha memang penat... haha.... at last sampai jugak kat Kuala Besut... then lepak2 jap then heading home... mostly semua orang tido coz still penat from the challenge n plus sakit-sakit badan... berhenti makan at somewhere but still in Terengganu near Pahang border.. aku, ipah, kak su, kak mai just minum jek ... bebudak cina yang siap makan nasi lagi... then yg bestnya all the food and drink have been belanja by our winner(indian girls) n another guy-erm maybe the leader from the bus 9??? Maybe... but hanging out with them all are awesome.. memang happening.. then sampai kat KL kul 2.30 am then ask my sista to pick me up then arrived at home at about 245am... kemas sket-sket then trus ZzzZZzZZzZZzzZZz

Esok dah tentu MC.. tak boleh jalan, sakit giler kaki.. jalan cam org baru bersunat... terkangkang-kangkang... haha... ipah kena sakit badan n ciritbirit... next day-Tuesday, pergi kerja with sunburn faces.. memang hitam.. n the next day-Wednesday, MC again.. as aku kena cirit birit... erm weird.....

To sum up : memang best giler trip kali ni... hilang kejap rasa letih ngadap keja... huhuhu n somemore met a new friendsss........................

~ God bless ~
Peace out

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KARA-KARA oke????

on 27/9 berbuka posa secara paksa with my officemate.. after that, one of them suggest to go for 'karaoke'ing.. and one of the guy said.. don't want lah... mesti dia ni tak nak nyanyi (sambil menunjukkan tangannya ke arah aku)...

ya ampun, memang dia tak kenal aku lagi... hahhahaha... hantu nyanyi.. walaupon suara crazy frog lagi best dari suara aku... masa tu lah keluarlah sume suara jantan, mak.... haha ("masa kita berkaoke dulu memang bestkan... tak heran pon org nak kata ape.. haha.. enjoy jek.. ne!!! hazracang, tenin cang, kelly cang, emo cang n liza sang)

SO WHAT!!!! ape haku peduli... hikhikhik.... yg penting.. MELETOPSss.....

~bukti yg nyata~


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Go Pangkor...

erm baru je balik dari Pangkor... erm tak tahu plak yg dekat pangkor tu susah cari makanan... kurus kejap jugaklah nak mencari makanan kat sane...

supposely, pulau kan... erm whatever... yg pentingnya itu adalah company trip... n i'm one of the committee.... ya ampunnnnnn.... penat giler... nak enjoy pon agak kureng peluangnya.... hahaha but the SWISS GARDEN DAMAI LAUT tu memang chantek.. n akak dapat view mengadap ke laut..... masyukkkk... angin kuat giler... bestnya gi holiday.... i wanna go somewhere.. anywhere.. as long as not here...

here are the photo.. klik.. klik....

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Masak Laksa

yeah... terima kasihlah kepada kawan Hazra cang kerana mengajar aku memasak LAKSA PENANG.. aku dengan jayanya telah menghasilkan product aku sendiri... SEDAPPPPP.......

tapi aku tak reti nak sukat berapa banyak isi ikan nak guna... n aku rasa, aku dah guna terlalu banyak...

the thing is, that night my mum called n i just tell her that i cook laksa by my self... wahhhh she's sooo EXCITED... then, she asked, " erm laksa tu sedap macam mak masak ker???" then aku dengan jujurnya menjawap.." erm, sedap... tapi orang ter lebih guna isi ikan.. huhu.. "

she said " erm kenapa guna banyak isi ikan, ikan murah ke kat KL???? " aku agak tersentap masa ni.. coz tak tau macamane mak aku dapat idea nak tanya aku soalan tu???? ermmmmm abai jelah....

the funny thing is, becoz guna isi ikan yg banyak, letak berapa banyak garam pun tak terasa masin...


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Mati Kutu or Pendiam

Erm lately aku perasan yg aku jadi sgt pendiam... not like last time.. if i'm compare with me still in school... walau weh... memekak n bising giler... sampai macam tak boleh idop sensorg... hahaha.. all my friends always nak biarkan aku sensorang.. diorg purposely nak tgk muka aku yg tengah mati kutu coz tinggal sorang-sorang... the reason is = they said " muka aku nampak baik sangat kalau senyap...sampai makcik semua nak tegur aku.. haha BUT bila bukak jer mulut.. memang macam budak nakal..."......... hampeh ah korang..

but don't worry guys, i think i've changed.... bukan aku jer yg cakap... Farahdilla boleh jadi saksi... i'm not that person anymore... ntah apa yg berlaku... i turn myself into (NOT monster ok.. porfaour).. to PENDIAM... i know why?? just that, i can't tell but when u see me, i can show.. hahhaha..

tak percaya ker??? tapi BENAR..

anything that happened make me know WHO I AM more and more.........


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inikah tenin yg ku kenali

setelah aku membaca blog ko... barulah aku tahu, ko dah lama kurus.. apelagi, aku pong mencuri gambar ko utk dijadikan bukti..
dah tak sedap dah.. hakhakhak.. tapi dah boleh buat promosi ni... haha nak ker??

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Gambar Kawin

ya ampon... bukan perkataan 'BOSAN" yang aku cari.. erm lebih kepada pertanyaaan.. WHY???

why shld everyone put their wedding photos in friendster.... erm ok just to tell@announce to everyone that "i'm not single"... hahahaha

not that i'm jealous or iri hati but... penin kalau semua gambar dalam friendster tu gambar orang kawin.... erm boleh tak letak gambar biasa2 jek???? hahaha

alah releks lah... kan kita muda lagi.. just enjoy our life to the max as long as you can... hehheheh ganbate ne.....

~hidop memang begini~

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Trip to Cameron Highlands

yea ha... on 5/7 (saturday) went for a trip to Cameron Highland. erm everything going not so smooth as i thought.. erm kinda bosan... so sakit hati...

BUTTT the cameron is GREATTTT. best sangat.. the best thing is the strawberry ice cream.... but the worst thing is... erm sungguh payah untuk dikatakan...

all i can say, erm i had enough... the will be no 2nd time.... i already took my lesson.. .. that's it...

BUT really want to go back to CH.. huhu selalu teringat JAGUNG MANISnya... huhuhuhu bestlah.... buat reunion mesti best... just chill...

ok girls.... get ready... kita pergi sana nanti yekkkk......

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COTI... 5/6-9/6

bestnya baru balik dari cuti lama... hahaha x gi memana pon, just lepak kat umah coz my cousin going to get married. erm cuti 5 hari bagaikan sekejap jek... yelah, anak org lain yg kawin mak aku plak yg over-over buat persiapan.... erm penat giler...

hari khamis 5/6 :

bangun pagi dengan bahagianya... erm baru teringat minggu sebelum tu ada beli kupang.. hah ape lagi aku pon menyuruh si nora(my new housemate) to cook the sambal kupang for me pagi-pagi buta.. yeah.. memang betol-betol teringin nak makan benda alah tu.. then masak nasi n nora siap bawak bekal gi kerja lgi.. makan n lepak jap 2 hingga 4 jam then baru decide nak mandi n kemas barang balik kg setelah ku melihat jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 1.30 petang.. walau weh i'm late.....

go to my brother house, take my car n ready to drive home.. suddenly, hujan lebat plak... ya ampun sabar jelah.. dah lah, dah janji ngan along nak gi senamrobik petang tu kat MELAKA... erm by hook or by crook kena balik dalam ujan lebat jugak... serah pada nasib jelah... then dalam ujan lebat n beg-beg yg sarat aku pon mencari manalah kereta aku.. yelah abang aku yg parking kereta tu.. then aku pon ternampak bontot kereta dalam hujan lebat... aku tekan ah alarm but tak bunyi-bunyi.. aihhh tak kan dah abis bateri... pelik plak.. aku try bukak-bukak pintu, erm x boleh jugak.... tekan alarm about 10 times more.. ya ampun still x boleh.. dah lah barang sume nak jatuh, somemore pegang payung lagi... then aku tegok kat tempat penumpang belakang ada kain pelekat n surah Yasin, ek? bila plak aku ada kain pelekat... then baru lah sibuk nak tgk no plat kereta, hahhaha memang aku salah kereta. mesti tuan kereta ni risau tengok aku molest-molest kereta dia.. erm nasib baik I lemah-lembut.. hahhaha....

heading home as fast as i can, n wallah!! berjaya sampai umah kul 5.00 petang... hahaha syabas ya beteh.. so berjaya gi senamrobik jugak... hehe... balik dalam kul 8 malam n mandi, makan n nighttttt.......ZZZzzzzZZZz

Jumaat 6/6

bangun pagi... n searching for breakfast but memang selalu harapan nipis... dah abis.. hahahha... looking for my mom, abah kata dia dah pergi menolong rumah jiran aku kawin... ok fine.... decide to watch tv..

at noon, my mom ajak gi beli barang untuk the wedding.. apalagi, i shld be reward as a DRIVER for the Day.. ya ampun macam satu melaka aku round tuk beli barang... dari pasar lama kat kg jawa.. ker Tesco then Econsave... huh dah lah tak lunch lagi... then my mum just told me, alah gi jelah makan kat food court tu then belanja mak ABC.. hampeh... petang baru sampai umah....

watching tv n at about 8.30 pm, my mum ajak gi my neighbour's wedding, erm malas nak pergi but sungguh GRAND katanya.. kena pergi... somemore my mum malas nak masak... arghhhhh malasnya but tukar jgk baju kurung.... n pergilah... makan n after that the "2 merpati sejoli" sampai... but the best part is not the pengantin but the decoration itself... erm mak aku usung aku sampai ke bilik pengantin, just to make me realise that my room will never look that way within this 3 years.. hahahaha...

and my neighbour use a WEDDING PLANNER for his daughter wedding... erm JAKUN giler aku ngan mak aku.. yelah orang kampung... every bunga yang ada kat situ adalah BUNGA IDOP... everything is WHITE.. roses, lily... argh banyak lah... termasuk pelamin, alah benda ape yg melengkung n kita lalu kat bawah dia... pon covered by bunga putih... amazing!!!!

herm gembira giler mak aku tengok .. sorilah mak hampakan you... hahaha takde jodoh lagi nak wat camne???

Sabtu 7/6

pagi-pagi bangun nak pergi pasar besar.. erm round satu pasar... hangkat timun sepuluh kilo n hantar kat bapak aku, then ikan cencaru 5 kilo, kembung 5 kilo, hantar...then ikan siakap 3 kilo.... sayur-sayur... ya ampun penat giler... balik umah straight gi umah makcik hantar barang yg beli tadi n pergi menolong.. argh penat giler hari tu... sampai petang wat kerja...... macam akak aku yg kawin dah.. tapi Bukan... ceh...

ahad 8/6

the wedding day.. chaos.. penat... giler sekejap... ramai orang... everyone has their own task.. aku?? kemas meja makan.. angkat air basuh tangan, air minum n tambah lauk.. whatsoever... actually ada kerja senang, but i prefer the hard work... hahahha hilangkan bosan.. yelah dah tua, bila lagi boleh wat kerja ni... balik umah dalam pukul 8.00 malam straight to bed... exhausted to the max..... tak ingat dunia tido... about 10.00 pm, my mum suruh bangun coz my brother going back to KL.... bangun ngan selebet n wave goodbye then heading to mandi.... after that ZZzzzzZZZZZZZ tak sedarkan diri...

isnin 9/6

lah isnin already, have to go back to KL already... argggghhhh BOSAN......

moral of the story :
erm penat giler nak wat kerja kawin, ini kan orang yg kawin after that lagi penat...
throughout the weekend, penat menjawab apabila orang n makcik2 asyik tanya bila nak kawin.. hahaha.. all i can say n repeating to say , tgklah kalau ada jodoh.. insyallah.. why not... or lama lagi... jgn risau... hahahaha

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~*~ Quote ~*~

Myspace Birthday Graphics Quotes

today baru ada masa nak gi cc. erm pack giler orgnya.. ya ampun, hari kerja pon pack ker??? i wonder why??? hari ni ada training n i got to balik awal... for the 1st time in my life... hahahha..

last training dulu terpaksa balik opis coz nak celebrate b'day.. but today n tomorrow... I'M FREEEE.... weeeeee.................. alhamdulillah...

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~*~ Quote ~*~

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~*~ Quote ~*~

Myspace Inspiration Graphics Quotes

You Betcha...

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~*~ Quote ~*~

Myspace Sayings Quotes Icon

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~*~ Quote ~*~

Myspace Funny Comments Quotes

Hahaha funny....

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BODOH menjadi IKHLAS......

ape makna BODOH menjadi IKHLAS... erm lebih kurang macam, seseorang kadang-kadang selalu tak mengeluarkan kata-kata yang ikhlas dari hati.

  1. Maybe sebab ego sangat puji BAJU someone CANTIK.. just say.. " erm oklah.... cantik ker??" somemore bagi soalan lagi.... ces.....
  2. mostly, coz malu nak ucapkan kata-kata yg sepatutnya... yalah, dah suka kat org tu but takut nak cakap pulak... tapi selalu kat mulut cakap BENCI.... haha

oklah ikutlah step BODOH menjadi IKHLAS :

  1. nampak BUNGA - say " cantiknya bunga dengan penuh perasaan n siap cium lagi... walaupon bukannya ada BAU pon....
  2. nampak AYAM - say " sedapnya ayam goreng..... teringin nak makan... slurp.. sambil jilat-jilat bibir..."

amalkan selalu, mesti berjaya... yeahhh....

hidop mesti IKHLAS, Give More and expect LESSSZZZZZ,


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Kenapa ???

BAh kenape tak boleh nak access your blog??? restricted area ker ???? wauuuuu!! ini lagi mau masukk...

interesting???? terpakse bukak buku masa study balik... coz nak try hacking ko nye blog... hahahhah

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a Nick Name.....

for someone that lama tak jumpe.... MECK....

i feel funny coz just open my adamakna_tau@yahoo.com mail.....

erm lama giler tak buka email tu... but after reactivate it a month ago, it receive an email from someone.. someone yg masih ku kenali..but just tak bertemu muka jek...... bagaimana yek rupanya...

but the funny thing is the nickname that she given to me.... (nickname that she save for my email address)

" "DakApis HafizahHasan" , " ..... hahaha it really made my day......... i feel closer to THAT person eventhough lama sungguh kita tak berjumpe... years right??.. more than 3 years.. if i wasn't mistaken... ngindunyeeee.........

miss u lah meck......

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~~*~~*~ QUOTE time ~*~~*~~

i like this quote... erm don't know how to describe it!! but it touchhh.....
i just visit the website pravsworld.com , best giler ah the quote.......
thumbs up...
the photo is courtesy of pravsworld.com ( eventhough x mintak permission pon.. soli)

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the end of MARCH

EOM... do you know the meaning of this word???? it is End Of Month....

the popular word for my dept.... by the eom, cannot scold any body coz in that day everyone are stress.. bad temper.. target.. target.. target..you better sit down n shut you mouth... erm tak pasal-pasal ada je kena marah... hahaha..

but at the end of March, don't know why??? ramai yg last day on that day... ek diorang ni planning nak buat MASSIVE resign program ker??? naper tak ajak aku join skali... hampeh ah...

gang-gang havoc masa balik rumah IAITU pukul 8 pm hari-hari tau... dah kurang satu... huhuhu SOON YEE.. u leave me alone... (tak lah alone sgt.. hahha) but erm terasa jugaklah.... nak further study katanya... yelah orang nak study jgan dihalang........

yang best yer, masa soon yee last day, unit dia wat farewell party... n malamnya gi KARAOKE without the BOSSESS hahahha... oooo planning senyap-senyap.. siap tulis atas kertas... ek korang hapuskan semua bukti sahih ker??? tapi yg pastinya aku dapat tahu jugak.... n aku bagitau yann... tapi jgn risau aku tak bagitau orang lain... hehehehe....

Yann kata " erm, best yer farewell party orang lain... erm kalau kita yg nak farewell.. you better be ready that you will living in HELLLLLL within the 2 months ( " yelah notice 2 bulan maaaa" ) .... somebody ("erm aku tak bagitau sape ok??") will make ur life miserable and you wish that you'll never born... ("hahhaha punyalah teruk... ni lagi teruk dari HITLER nye pemerintahan tau")...

ini bukan ngomong kosong tau.. this is THE LIFE that i'm going through... tough or not... akak jugak yg kena pikul...

dah NASIB BADANNNNN dekkk............. SEDIH.... hukhukhuk

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Jojo - How To Touch A Girl

i think i could like you
i already do
feelings can grow but
they can go away too
you're takin my hand
lookin into my eyes
don't be in a rush to
get me tonight
feel somethin happenin
could this be a spark?
to satisfy me baby
gotta satisfy my heart
do you know how to touch a girl?
if you want me so much
first i have to know
are you thoughtful and kind?
do you care what's on my mind?
or am i just for show?
you'll go far in this world
if you know how to touch a girl
do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
i think i could like you
but i keep holding back
cause i can't seem to tell
if you're fiction or fact
show me you can laugh
show me you can cry
show me who you really are
deep down inside
do you feel somethin happenin?
could this be for real?
i don't know right now but... tonight we'll reveal
do you know how to touch a girl?
if you want me so much
first i have to know
are you thoughtful and kind?
do you care what's on my mind?
or am i just for show?
you'll go far in this world
if you know how to touch a girl
do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
bring me some flowers
conversation for hours
to see if we really connect
and baby if we do
ooh....... i'll be givin all my love to you
do you know how to touch a girl?
if you want me so much
first i have to know
are you thoughtful and kind?
do you care what's on my mind?
or am i just for show?
you'll go far in this world
if you know how to touch a girl
do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
(yeah, yeah)do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
you'll go far in this world
if you know how to touch a girl

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Perempuan ini.....

sapa kah ini manusia.... gambar ni sebenarnya diambil KERANA.......

nak tengak make up aku pagi tu ok ke tak?????? takut terlebih Blusher... hahahhaha

but the end result is ............

and wonder ? who the hell are you????

p/s: mulut penuh ngan bedak yg cair.... hahaha

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A promise...

a promise that u have to fulfill.... sila lihat gambar di tepi anda dan dibawah.....

adalah kisah dan tersebutlah kisah.. masa dan waktu yg sudah dilupai, aku n rakanku telah berjanji, Bahawasanya........

sekiranya aku telah mempunyai atau memiliki sebuah kereta. we all akan membeli sebuah cermin mata hitam untuk melengkapkan lagi kehidupan ini yg penuh dengan tanda tanya dan jalan cerita yang tidak kita ketahui..... a'ha..

tapi korang jangan kutuk dulu gambar di atas, biar hamba yang hina dina ini yg memulakan ayatnya... dan kamu-kamu orang yg terhormat boleh lah menyambung dengan kata-kata yg MAHA kesat dan hina dina nya....selepas ini .. (hehehehe)....
erm aku saje jek letak gambar ni... yelah karang orang kata aku asik nak letak gambar yg ok jek........ ok lah skang aku dah letak gambar yg memang tak ok... hahahaha..... (" ni pon boleh jadi gambar"- ini adalah ayat kawan aku)... hehehehe
ok skang aku letak gambar yg ok.....(refer di sebelah kanan anda).... tapi masalahnya sekarang, semua officemate aku tak percaya ini adalah gambar aku yg sebenarnya... huahuahua.... nak menitis air mata jugaklah dengan ayat-ayat yg keluar dari mulut diorg ni.. huhuhuhu... penat aku convince kan diorg.. mati-mati tak percaya sampai ke hari ini...
KORANG percaya tak???? HAVE TO tau!!!! cuba pikir logik, takkan aku nak snap gambar org lain plak... Ape ingat aku ni STALKER ker????

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Nilah gambar staf-staf aku masa aku kerja kat jusco zaman dolu-dolu kala....
baru jek dapat publish gambar ni...
yang penting------------------------
akak maintain... hahahhaa

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Ya ampun...

Walau weh... i've been caught off guard... i'm dead meat lah....

ampon lah tenin... macamane ko jumpe blog aku ni..
hampeh... ni yg tak best ni.. ade org yg ku kenali baca blog aku...

hakhakhak... takleh nak kutuk org lagi... huhuhuhu

ape-ape kalau korang terasa hati ngan blog aku ni, pls don't sue me..

hahahha just chilll...


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Gambar kawin NAD

This is the BRIDE.. erm i mean the middle one, ladies with the Tiara at her head... her name is NAD.. Congrats nad... kurus giler ko!
Yang lain-lain tu adalah orang-orang yang datang je rumahnya di Kelantan dan pada hari Rabu..
diperkenalkan, yg bertudung COKELAT, tenin namanya.. tudung CREAM, sang emo.. berbaju BIRU, si keli and TUDUNG COKELAT TANAH, namanya Hazra sang..
sebelum pengantin datang, diorang dah meRASMIkan pelamin dengan sepuas-puas hatinya... haha balas dendam ker???
Despite all the circumstances... u all memang lah TABAH orangnya... tabik sepring..... TOINGGGGG....
Chaya lah....

So what are you waiting for, just throw the Flower,
For Hazra san,
aku curi gambar ko.. gomenasai..... but yet u all look GOODD

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inilah contoh org2 yg wanted.. sekiranya and menjumpai mereka diluar.....

Ha... dua-dua ni dah berpunya.. so BEWARE, jangan tertipu dengan muka innocent diorg ni when they said they are still single... itu adalah satu pembohongan.. hahaha...
Not available anymore OK ??? Silalah hindari mereka...
PAHAM??? erm kalau paham,

NEXTTTTT >>>>>>>>

Yang kat bawah ni even worst, kalau jumpa, just get the hell out of there.. hahha.. Diorang ni dah memang termaktub dalam sijil yang diorang memang tidak single-mingle lagik... see the picture as a prove.. ape ingat main-main ker??? kawin betol-betol lah... A CONTRACT FOR LIFE..

NEXT >>>>>>>>
Erm dia ni... SOOONNNN.. coming..coming... oklah bagi chance, you can still hit on her until further notice...
that's all i can say.. sekurang-kurangnya ada peluang lagi... ganbate neee....

NEXT >>>>>>

kena tunggulah... apesal GELOJOH sangat...

wait n wait n wait...

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LOVE or MARRIED come first???

who can tell?? hahaha interesting how people falling in love..

no one can predict with who you will fall in love with... how is he look like??? hensem ker?? kurus ker??? gomok ker??

or is it has a category that define how should we pick man if we're going to marry him... OR just for fun only.. hahaha

i even don't understand, when someone decide to get engage or married.. haha.. not believe in IT?? maybe one of the reason... ahha'..

even she is one of your friend but kawan masa sekolah lah, you know what type man that she like.. but yet, when she get married, the person that she choose is TOTALLY different from the one that you think..

It AMAZING... i choke!!!! hahahha for real... but all i can say, that the POWER OF LOVEEEEE.. hahaha

qoute from my fren bulletin :

~~ When you love somebody you bite your tongue, all you get is a mouthful of blood. ~~

haha Love HURTs... OOuchhhhhh......

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Life is funny

life is funny when u didn't have any passion to live... hahaha leading to suicide, erm maybe... giler ker???

bosannya!!! everything seem didn't going smoothly... life, work... erm bosan sangat..

hope nak bela a kucing.. hahaha ada benda nak main masa balik umah.. ilangkan tension.. but housemate tak suka plak.. hehe

nak balik kampong selalu, yelah nak main-main ngan anak buah aku, but takde masa.. huhuhuhu..

tengok ah 2 or 3 bulan lagi, i think i want to move on to other place, company or life...

coz right now for ur info, my life sucksssss.............

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~*~*~ Quote ~*~*~


Quote from,

the GREEN M&M in M&M putra lrt.. hahaha SOOOO CUte... KAWAIIII n gatal giler...

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